The 'Simulation' appointment went about as smooth as could possibly have been expected.
Mom was ready to go and we were there right on time. Went to the Moncrief Building entrance on Forest Park which opens into the waiting area for Timmerman's practice. Miss seeing the Chihuly, but avoids the long walk. Per agreement I dropped her off and headed home for a quick nap before heading in to work.
They had estimated the appointment would take about four hours, but Mom called after an hour and said she was ready to go! They fitted her with her custom-form-fitted air mattress which Mom said was surprisingly comfortable and holds her arms above her head with no strain. She's strapped down to avoid movement. She's so thin they had to use makeshift body spacers to tighten down the straps! Tattoos on her chest and knees for the machine to use as locus points. "The needles felt like just like shots," she said. "I just can't understand why someone would want to do that."
The tumor doesn't move when she breathes, so the motion tracking took no time at all. They normally use scans with dye, but can't with Mom because of kidney/clearance issues, so that saved some time as well.
When I picked her up she said she was "feeling kind of peckish," so we stopped at Braum's for burgers and shakes. Then onto Central Market for grilled chicken breasts and salads for dinner tonight.
When I left her at the apartment she was headed in for a nap.
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