I sent links to all the cousins, here is what I heard. Sent an email with link to Betsy today.
Aug 5 (2 days ago)
to me
Thanks for the update, David. It's so sad to read, but she has had a great life and has been such a great inspiration to so many. Our thoughts are with all of you. Love to all.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Waddington <dwwaddington@gmail.com>
To: Susan Waddington <srectorwaddington@gmail.com>; Travis Waddington <travis.waddington@gmail.com>; Michael Waddington <mwaddington@gmail.com>; Don Schanche <donschanche@yahoo.com>; Marian <marianwo@att.net>; samosbo <samosbo@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Aug 3, 2012 10:49 am
Subject: The latest on Polly.
Here's the latest on Mom's cancer. She has not been doing so well lately. I think it's a relief to finally know why. Love to all.
Don and Polly Medical Log. Stardate 2012
Reply Forward
Don Schanche donschanche@yahoo.com
Aug 5 (2 days ago)
to Didi, Anne, me
Hey David --
Very sorry to hear of the turn in Aunt Polly's health.
Didi & Anne and I send our love, of course.
We were also thinking of paying a visit. Wanted to know if you think that's OK, and when you think we should plan it.
Yr cuz,
Thanks, Dave.