Saturday, March 21, 2015

Still Nothin'

Still playing the waiting game.

Talked to Dad every day this week. He doesn't seem too anxious and says he got stuff done around the apartment which is a change. He's usually complaining how he never has time to get anything done. Nurses coming and going. Kind of a routine has been established.

He did call doctors looking for results yesterday and finally called the right one, Dr. Hasan who is the infectious disease specialist. The nurse he spoke with was evidently friendly and patient with him. They are running a 5 day culture and the blood got to the lab on Tuesday, so it sounds like we should expect news on Monday. She did say that it was a good sign that the test was going the full five days. If an infection had bloomed, the news would have spread quickly.

Dad is staying put at the apartment and out of general circulation, but seems in good spirits. Phone calls are welcome. (214.696.1271)

I'll post as soon we know anything.

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