Saturday, August 4, 2012

Email from Mary, Friday Morning


mary brown malouf
10:24 AM (16 hours ago)

to Helen, me
Please bear with me.

I feel like I'm obsessing, but since I'm not there to hear everything that's discussed,I have all these questions. You may have already asked them and don't know the answer, or no one does. But information makes me feel better, so I'm asking, in case you do know.

What type of cancer does Mother have? Is it fast growing?
Cancer is often described in stages; what stage is she?
At what point will she need hospice care?
Does she sign up for a hospice now to use when she needs it?
She has another appointment with Dr. TinMan, right? When is it, what's it for and can one of you go?
Or can one of us go to her next doctor appointment to ask some questions?
Do her St. Michael peeps know about this diagnosis?

Helen: what about just PAX? For the bracelets?


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